Price list
Personal customers Corporate customers Personal customers
Corporate customers
Residential mortgages
- Floating rate mortgage
- Fixed rate mortgage
- Boligkreditt (home equity line of credit)
- Byggekreditt (construction loan)
- Interim financing
- Proof of funds
Car and boat loans
Consumer loan and overdraft facility
Accounts for daily use
- Brukskonto (transaction account)
- Foreign currency transaction account
- Aksjehandelskonto (share trading account)
Savings accounts
- Sparekonto (saving account)
- BufferSpar (regular savings account)
- BSU (home-saving scheme for young people)
- Boligsparekonto (home-saver account)
- Fastrentekonto med bonus (fixed term account with bonus)
Deposit account
Investment funds
Account information
Calculation of interest
Self service payments
Electronic payments
- AvtaleGiro (direct debit)
- eFaktura (e-invoice)
- Regular payments, transfers and savings agreements
- MikroSpar (savings account)
Manual payments
Cash and Cheque
General information
Payments to other countries
Payments from other countries
Travel money
General information
Personal insurance
- Livsforsikring (life insurance)
- Ulykkesforsikring (personal accident insurance)
- Barneforsikring (Children's insurance)
- Betalingsforsikring (payment protection insurance)
- Young Living
- Individual Pension Savings (IPS)
- Pensjonskonto (pension account)
- Pensionskapitalbevis (pension capital certificate)
- Paid-up policies