Life, pension and non-life insurance - personal customers

Personal insurance Pension Fondskonto (investment fund account) Non-life insurance Personal insurance

Prices, Livsforsikring (life insurance)
The price of Livsforsikring (life insurance)  depends on the cover, age and tobacco-smoking habits of the insured person. The price of Uførepensjon (disability pension) and Uførekapital (disability capital) also depends on occupation and thus must be calculated individually.
Establishment feekr 300,00
Monthly management fee per contract
kr 34,00

How much will your insurance cost?

We cooperate with Tryg in regard to insurance. As the insurance calculator is not available in English we kindly ask you to call customer service at +47 23206001 for more information. Below you will find links to the insurance calculator in Norwegian language.

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How much will your insurance cost?

We cooperate with Tryg in regard to insurance. As the insurance calculator is not available in English we kindly ask you to call customer service at +47 23206001for more information. Below you will find links to the insurance calculator in Norwegian language.

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The premium is 4,50 % of the chosen insurance cover, irrespective of monthly mortgage payments.

Prices, Betalingsforsikring (payment protection insurance)
A monthly payment of kr 5.0001) kr 250,00 per month
A monthly payment of kr 7.5001) kr 375,00 per month
A monthly payment of kr 10.0001) 

kr 550,00 per month

1) The monthly payment is assumed to replace current taxable income. For further information, read the conditions.

Monthly prices, Young Living Base
SpecificationTravel and accident insuranceAddition for home contents*
Place of residence in Oslokr 128,00
kr 73,00
Place of residence outside Oslokr 128,00
kr 59,00

*) In case of a home contents insurance, an annual basic risk premium of kr 259,00 applies 

For the price of additional cover, please call our Contact Centre on +47 23206001 or visit a Nordea branch.


Prices, IPS
Deposit fee0,00 %
Annual fund charge of the balance on the accountBetween 0,49 % and 1,59 % depending on type of Aktiva fund
For bank savings, an annual management fee is charged of the current balance on the account0,20 %
Annual management fee of the current balance on the account during the payment period0,75 %
Costs of underlying funds
FundAnnual management fee
Aktiva 100,49 %
Aktiva 300,79 %
Aktiva 500,99 %
Aktiva 651,09 %
Aktiva 801,19 %
Aktiva 1001,29 %
Other funds From 0,15 % to 2,00 %

Information on prices and return commission can be found on the individual fund’s fact sheet in the fund overviewÅpnes i nytt vindu

Prices, Pensjonskonto (pension account)
Deposit fee0,00 %
Annual management fee, calculated monthly of the savings balance0,30 %
Switching of funds For most of our funds, you can switch funds without incurring any charges. For the remaining funds, a switching fee may be charged in case of a difference between the purchase price and  the sales price
Costs of underlying funds
FundAnnual management fee
Aktiva 100,49 %
Aktiva 300,79 %
Aktiva 500,99 %
Aktiva 651,09 %
Aktiva 801,19 %
Aktiva 1001,29 %
Other funds From 0,15 % to 2,00 %

Information on prices and return commission can be found on the individual fund’s fact sheet in the fund overviewÅpnes i nytt vindu

Price, Pensjonskapitalbevis (pension capital certificate)
Pension capital certificates can be transferred to Nordea Liv free of charge.

The annual management fee is 0,50 % of the National Insurance's basic amount (G), up to a maximum of 1,00 % of the balance. Costs of underlying funds come in addition to this. The annual fund charge will depend on the fund in which the pension capital certificate has been invested. (For example, the standard fund Aktiva 50 has an annual management fee of 0.99%.).

Price, paid-up policies
Costs related to the management of your paid-up policies are charged annually. The amount, which depends on the size of the paid-up policy, is stated in the annual account statement.
Fondskonto (investment fund account)

Price, Fondskonto (investment fund account)
Deposit fee0,00 %
Annual management fee, calculated monthly of the savings balance0,30 %
Switching of funds For most of our funds, you can switch funds without incurring any charges. For the remaining funds, a switching fee may be charged in case of a difference between the purchase price and  the sales price

The risk premium charged for the insurance (1,00 % of the savings balance) depends on the age of the person insured.

Price of insurance - with a savings balance of NOK 100,000 (insurance premium NOK 1,000)
AgeAnnual price
30 yearskr 0,97
40 yearskr 1,68
50 yearskr 3,88
60 yearskr 10,62
70 yearskr 31,20
80 yearskr 92,00
A cost will incur in the underlying funds, depending on the choice of funds. This cost is included in the price from the fund manager.
Costs of underlying funds
FundAnnual management fee
Aktiva 100,49 %
Aktiva 300,79 %
Aktiva 500,99 %
Aktiva 651,09 %
Aktiva 801,19 %
Aktiva 1001,29 %
Other funds From 0,15 % to 2,00 %

Information on prices and return commission can be found on the individual fund’s fact sheet in the fund overviewÅpnes i nytt vindu

Non-life insurance

How much will your insurance cost?

We cooperate with Tryg in regard to insurance. As the insurance calculator is not available in English we kindly ask you to call customer service at +47 23206001 for more information. Below you will find links to the insurance calculator in Norwegian language.

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