Quick Guide - Netbank

To use this Quick Guide you must have sent in your Netbank agreement, and received an ActivCard (looks like a small calculator) and a start code.

The first time you use the ActivCard:

  1. Press the ON button.
  2. Enter the start code you received in a separate envelope, and press ON.
  3. Choose a 4-digit code, which will be your fixed personal PIN-code.
  4. Enter your personal PIN-code and press ON.
  5. Confirm by repeating the PIN-code and pressing ON.

The ActivCard is now ready to use.

Step 1: Log in

  1. Go to Nordea’s homepage, www.nordea.noÅpnes i nytt vindu.
  2. On the menu at the top of the page, click on Nettbank Privat.

Log in - BankID:

  1. In the input field, enter your social security number (11 digits), without spaces or punctuation.
  2. A security warning might pop up, which must be accepted in order to use BankID. Make sure the publisher of the security warning is  Bankenes BetalingsSentral AS. Click Kjør to accept the security warning.
  3. In the box that appears, make sure that Nordea is identified. In the first input field, sikkerhetskode, enter a code from the ActivCard. In the second input field, Personlig passord, enter your personal password. Click OK.
  4. BankID identifies you with your name and informs you about the last time you used BankID. Click OK to log in.
  5. You are now logged in to Dagligbank, our new portal start page in Nordea Netbank.

Step 2: Pay your bills

  1. Choose Betale regninger from the menu at the left side of the page, a new screen will appear.
  2. In the input field Fra konto, choose the account to be paid from. In the input field Til konto, enter the beneficiary’s account number. Then, click Fortsett.
  3. On the screen that appears, fill in name, the amount, the expiration date, and KID-number/message. If existing, you will find the KID-number on the bottom left on the Giro.
  4. Choose Oblat if you need a valid receipt for the transaction (stickers for membership etc.).
  5. Click Fortsett to add the transaction.

Step 3: Confirming payments

  1. At this point you should be able to choose between adding a new payment or confirming your currently registered payments. You will have a view of the payments you currently registered. Verify the transactions, and click Bekreft (confirm).
  2. On the following page, verify that all your registrations are correct. An applet will appear. Enter your personal password in the input field. Click OK to confirm.
  3. You will now enter the page Betalingsoversikt, which displays the transactions you have made, and also which confirms that your payments have been sent to the bank. At this page you also have the possibility to delete unwanted or wrongly registered transactions. The transactions are listed with a status. As long as the status says Venter (waiting), you can select Slett (delete) and the status will change to Slettet (deleted). When the status says Betalt (paid), it means that money is drawn from your account, and transaction cannot be cancelled.
  4. Remember to press Logg ut to end the service.

More information

If you have questions, call our contact centre on +47 23206001 .